About me


My name is Lazar. Welcome to my personal website!

Here you could get acquainted with me, with my personal projects, with my professional skills, with the articles written professionally, as well as with the sites that I have built for institutions, corporations, NGOs,  and for freelancers, alongside other small and medium-sized businesses.

Since this is an “About Me” page, I probably should say something about myself. I see myself primarily as a creator (interpreting the word broadly). I was fortunate enough that my professional development overlapped almost 100% with my creative inclinations.

Building websites is as much a professional pursuit as it is a hobby that brings me great satisfaction. This is what drives me to constantly evolve in the field and look for new and new ways to visually express the way I perceive a company (or, as the case may be, myself).

In addition to building sites, I enjoy writing (fiction, science, and SEO), photography (amateur), and reading.

I was able to discover my interest in the field of marketing back in 2009 when I first encountered the industry. This happened through a book by Seth Godin – “Deep Waters”. Gradually, my interest in the field turned into a professional field, which in turn confronted me with the infinity of the web, design, and building sites.

I believe I have yet to discover elements of the web that will grab my interest and I never stop learning.


Sofia, Bulgaria
hi@lazarshishmanov.com |LinkedIn

Professional Skills

Digital Marketing

  • Campaign Conception 90% 90%
  • Digital Marketing 95% 95%
  • SEO Content Writing 100% 100%
  • SEO Audits 95% 95%
  • SEO Planning 100% 100%
  • Google Ads 90% 90%
  • Facebook Advertising 90% 90%
  • Email Marketing 90% 90%
  • Google Analytics 85% 85%

Website Development

  • Website Development 90% 90%
  • Website Administration 100% 100%
  • WordPress 90% 90%
  • E-Commerce 90% 90%
  • HTML 95% 95%
  • CSS 95% 95%
  • JavaScript 20% 20%


  • Adobe Illustrator 90% 90%
  • Adobe Photoshop 90% 90%
  • Prepress 100% 100%
  • Ad Banners 80% 80%
  • Logo Design 65% 65%
  • Design Concept 95% 95%